Tree Tagging Day on the Makgeng Trail
Makgeng Hiking Trail (Community Project) wins Award for Best "Supporting the Environment" Project in District 9400 May 2024
Our Club is thrilled with this Award, one of 3 such awards handed out to Clubs in our
District at the District Conference held in May 2024.
The handing over the Award from President Keith to the tireless Makgeng Trail project leader, Rod Harman, with amazing assistance from Betty Ramaselela.
The two pictures at the bottom are the contents of a flyer on the Makgeng Trail with all the details you need to know and how to book. Winter is the most spectacular time of year to see the beautiful aloes in bloom, found all along the trail.
Tree Tagging Day , August 2023.
A group of enthusiasts walked the trail and attached tree tags where they could. Thanks to Bronwyn Egan and her team from the University of Limpopo.
The Makgeng Hiking Trail Launched
This Trail has been developed by the Rotary Club of Haenertsburg with the assistance and cooperation of the Makgeng Executive Council. The aim of the trail was to develop a project that was beneficial to the local community as well to visitors to the region. The mountain surrounding Makgeng is an ideal natural region that could be preserved as a result of this development.
The trail is situated above the village of Makgeng, 17km from Haenertsburg on the way to Polokwane. The turnoff is well sign-posted. Follow the signs to the start 1.3km away. A good area to park is outside the Administrator’s home.
The Trail consists of three circuits of differing lengths.
- The short trail to Lwaleng-la-Tlou (Elephant Rock) and back is 3.3km and ascends 111m to give a great view of ZCC and surrounds. The trail is easy to follow as it is marked with painted rock cairns (piles of rock) at approximately 40m apart. The trail goes along a gravel road passing interesting features, including Marlothii aloes and Naboom trees. It then turns off the road to ascend the mountain at a steady incline. At the top of the climb one can see many villages and the Molepo Dam. The trail goes along the ridge to Lwaleng-la Tlou, a fascinating rock which gives good views of the surrounding area. The trail returns 50m and then descends quite steeply to the water tower and back to the start.
- The long trail carries on from Lwaleng-la-Tlou gently up the ridge of the mountain with good views on either side. It passes the shortcut which can be seen as a third circuit for those who may tire at this stage. The trail goes up the mountain through interesting vegetation, rocks and views, until the rock Lwaleng-la-Mahlwareng. This is the highest point 282m above the start with a magnificent 360-degree view. The trail then moves north down the slope for a distance before it turns back and follows the edge of the mountain through dense woodland area until it joins the shortcut down. The trail is steep going down and must be approached with caution.
A simple map showing the three circuits can be used by hikers to choose a distance suitable for them.
A small entrance fee will go towards the maintenance of the trail and a project identified by the community for the community.
Local community members have been chosen to be trained as local guides for those members of the public requesting a guide to take them around a trail. An additional fee for the guide will be charged when they are requested. The community guides will be trained in basic first aid, information on trees and plants found along the trail as well as birds of the area. Focus on indigenous knowledge of the plants and trees will be an added attraction.
How to book:
Send your request by email: Date, time, number of hikers to:
You will receive a map, Indemnity form and a Bird list
Make payment to Rotary Haenertsburg, FNB Acc. No. 62045433711, Branch Platinum Park 260226, Ref: Makgeng Mountain Trail and your name. Email confirmation to m
Print the indemnity form, sign and hand in to the Administrator on the way to the start