Interacters present project on Sustainable Living to Rotary Haenertsburg
L to R : Stanford Interacters Tayla Connery
(Secretary) & Cailin Desmet (President) met Rotary Haenertsburg President Paddy Ansell to present their Sustainable Living Project to the Club members (see article below). Mrs Joy Park accompanied them.

The Colour Walk for Sustainable Living was a fun awareness event organized and run by the Interacters (Junior Rotarians) on the 17th August. The theme was used to highlight the importance of bees in our environment and the need to reduce plastic waste. It is of great importance that these critical world issues be addressed and solved by all of us.
The funds raised will be used to install a drinking fountain to be used as a refilling station for water bottles to reduce the amount of waste plastic water bottles. There were “bee hotels” for indigenous bees on display. A special thank you to Jason Scriven who demonstrated the internal workings of a beehive.
Interacters (based at Stanford Lake College) visit the Children's Oncology Ward at Polokwane Hospital
Motivation : Last year one of our teachers was receiving treatment for breast cancer at the Polokwane Hospital. She reported back to us that there are large numbers of people and children receiving cancer treatment at the Oncology Unit in Polokwane and that the patients could really do with caring people to visit and help.
Our Interact Club at Stanford Lake College decided to make up “care packs” for the children in the oncology children’s ward. The club members made play-dough, sourced colouring-in books and crayons, books to look at and added items such as face clothes, soap, water and a few treats to eat (apples, chocolate and biscuits). Thank you to Mrs Gani for the donation of apples for the packs.
On 26th May we are delivered the packs and visited the ward to get a better sense of how to help in the future. We hope that this little visit brought a ray of sunshine into some children’s lives.
Club President – Kgabo Manyathela
Club Secretary – Cailin Desmet
Haenertsburg Interact Club - District 9400
(based at Stanford Lake College)
Club President: Kgabo Manyathela Secretary : Cailin Desmet
Project: Interact Fund Raising : “Colour Splash for Cancer” Fun Walk
Motivation for the Walk:
Our Interact Club has been involved with Polokwane Hospital Children’s Oncology Ward, and the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) - (Polokwane) this year. We are making this a focus area for the Club in 2016. Earlier this year we made care-packs for the children in the ward and visited the ward to give them out to the children. We were concerned when we realised that there is a high prevalence of eye cancer in our area and discovered that there is a need for artificial glass eyes for the children who survive the treatment but lose an eye. The cost of an artificial eye and treatment is R7200.00. Our goal is to raise R 7 200.00 to provide one treatment and eye for a child. Apparently there are 5 children waiting for the treatment through Polokwane Care Centre.
Plan: On Friday the 19th of August 2106, Interact hosted a 'Colour Splash for Cancer' walk in the forests around Stanford Lake College.
Although the walk did not meet the financial goal, it raised awareness of the plight of these children in our society. It was also a very happy event and enormous fun for the people who participated.
Goal Reached: Together with other fund raiser events and some generous donations, the goal of R 7 200.00 has been reached. Our Interact Club is very glad to know that this money will help at least one child with reconstruction eye treatment.
The photo below left shows a child before her eye was fitted, and middle - a photo of two children after eyes were fitted.
It is only with efforts like this that we can help a child get through their schooling without being teased, and help overcome all the physiological and psychological challenges they may face as a result. As a child grows they may need up to three eye replacements before reaching adulthood.
The Rotary Club of Haenertsburg combined with the Interacters from Stanford and the Haenertsburg St Paul’s United Church to collect blankets to hand out to pensioners, vulnerable families and children in need. The schools visited on Wednesday, 8 June 2016 were Motlakaro High School in Spitzkop and Glenshiel Primary in Haenertsburg. In both these areas, groups of pensioners also received donations of blankets.
The Interacters, led by President Kgabo Manyathela (right) and Secretary Cailin Desmet, spent a happy few hours ‘making a difference’ to those in the community who may not otherwise have had the comfort of warmth this winter.
- Blanket Drive Collection - 50 blankets to Haenertsburg Primary School and 50 blankets Scholtz (number of pupils 43)