Rotary Haenertsburg
What is a Global Grant?
In short: a project initiated by one club with funds they have raised, topped up by their own district (in our case most of the 'Old Transvaal, Swaziland, Botswana and Southern Mozambique) and in partnership with at least one international partner club and district. This is then matched by The Rotary Foundation. The result is that funds we raise are geared way beyond what we could raise ourselves.
What is The Rotary Foundation?
From the following:
Web site:
Not-for-Profit Service Organization
Rotary International is one of the largest not-for-profit service organizations in the world, with more than one million members actively participating in thousands of local clubs spread across 161 countries around the world. From its headquarters in Evans-ton, Illinois, Rotary International provides its members with the opportunity to address such issues as AIDS, homelessness, polio, lack of education, hunger, and other national and international problems. Rotary International Foundation contributes nearly $100 million every year toward humanitarian programs in which Rotary members participate and voluntarily raise funds. More than any other membership organization throughout the United States, the members of Rotary