Robin Gardner.
School secretary. Enjoys wildlife, sewing, watching sport, quizzing.
Being a Rotarian is a totally rewarding lifestyle in serving the community, forging friendships and networking.
Paddy Ansell.
Retired, enjoys growing things, travel and embroidery.
Rotary means friendship, community service
Rodney Harman. Chair of Projects Committee.
Chrisna Stander. Charter Member. DGA 2019-20, DGR 2015-18, and AG in 2010-13 – all for District 9400. Business administration. Hobbies – traveling and camping.
Rotary – friendship and making a difference through Service Above Self.
Maurice Stander. Charter member. PDG. Executive Secretary 2024-25.
Insurance Broker.
Fly fishing, camping and traveling.
Friendship, Fellowship and the opportunity to help improve society around us.
Stuart Miller. Membership Avenue.
Insurance Broker. enjoys trout fishing.
Rotary means community involvement.
Laurie Railton
Keith Patrick.
Retired Managing Director.
Local history, reading and gardening.
Companionship, and contributing to the Community.
Johan Jacobsz. President Elect for 2025-26 and Convenor of Membership Committee.
Heather Gore. Cafe Manager, Public Image and Marketing Avenue convenor. President Nominee for 2026- 2027. Loves reading, walking, traveling and being sassy. Love rotary for sense of community belonging, gives me purpose and an opportunity to help the underpriviledged.
Esti Rademeyer.
Dynamite comes in small packages!
Antoinette Ramaphoko. Fundraising Avenue member. Accountant. Likes reading, traveling, music. Rotary allows me to use what I have to touch lives. Compassion.
Nicky Morgan is a Business Manager.
Serving on the Public Image/Marketing avenue.
Amy Taylor
Ann Luther. Youth Avenue and Club Services convenor.
Teacher, currently working for Thusanang Trust, NGO specialising in ECD training.
Loves being with grandchildren. bodyboarding, reading, bridge, knitting. Rotary is a big organisation making a difference in the world.
Wiam Haddad. Rotary Foundation Officer and liaison for Global Grant projects.
Randy Jacobsz. Club Secretary.
Deneys Barry.
Charter Member. Retired engineering contractor.
Enjoys sailing, traveling, camping.
Rotary means Service and acquaintance – the heart of civil society.
Daria Gorbaszewicz, Past President and Treasurer
Civil Engineer – retired
Hobbies: reading, traveling, cooking, sewing. Rotary for me is first of all friendship. And being able to part of the good work Rotary is doing.
Rowena van Schalkwyk,
Owner & programme director of Warriors Adventure Academy. Hobbies: yoga, hiking, traveling & camping. Passion for animals and youth development.
Rotary is an opportunity to network and connect with people who love to make a difference in lives like I do. The more you give, the more you receive.